Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Public Broadcast of thought...

Why do people feel the need to lie about something that they have obviously done or something that they are obviously doing? Or rather, why can't people admit to their obviousness, that should even be obvious to them? It's like they don't accept themselves or something.
Tanique, you are using John. Accept it. I mean, the meaning of using is to be with someone to gain something from them, and even if that's not the reason that a person is with someone but something is still being gained then the other person is still being used... even unintentionally(at least that's the meaning I came up with to fit the situation. I'm just making this up). And you gain a lot. Accept it. You tell John to do a ton of things. Accept it. John does things for you and you accept those things, same as using(you're still gaining something). ACCEPT IT! Just saying...just saying...
Everyone uses people, EVERYONE does, some do so more roughly than others but the fact doesn't change.
Sooo, uh... this was just a random thought I had in the shower...
Uhh...Nachos? *end broadcast*

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