Friday, March 19, 2010

Greatest Victory Ever!

I had a college interview with Pennsylvania College of Art and Design. Of course, it was scary at first but it wasn't all as bad as I thought it would be. The lady said I did well at explaining my work, she was talking to me like I had already been accepted. It was nice and fun. She liked a lot of my work. But I don't want to get my hopes up but its hard, I'm having a battle in my mind.

On second note, not to brag or anything but I'm awesome. Greatest victory ever: 442 episodes finished in 3 weeks. Well, actually 3 weeks and 2 days but who really need the specifics? Its too much to say anyway, so lets just stick with 3 weeks. I am completely in love with One Piece. I can't think of anything but that. Luffy makes me smile, not to sound gay or anything. Robin turns me on. Their adventures make me excited. Maybe because it's a shonen anime, and I am a shonen, that I just can't stop watching it. It's like the anime was made for me, I'm so invovled. Feels like I'm fighting the battles. lol.
Just know that I am an otaku who races through anime. VROOM VROOM.

On third note, I didn't get to go to the party I wanted to go to. For some reason, John was taking like 5 hours just to get to walgreens, and by the time he would have actually made it and we would have left to go to the party together I would have had to go home. Yay for that fail. I'm a bit upset but I'll get over it. Look at that, I'm over it.
Instead of going to the party, I went over Sydney's house. We talked, laughed, watched tv, we just hung out. We watched some porn and laughed at that. And then I turned on some anime and I laughed at that. Tonight was fine, not bad at all. Though before I went to Sydney's house, some bum-looking guy said to me: "Hey, baby, how you doing?" It was like he was trying to pick me up or something, or maybe he thought I was a hooker. But before all of that, I'M A GUY. G U Y. Goodness... I didn't tell him that though, I just told him: "I'm fine" and went about my business. It was too much to explain that I was simply a pretty little boy.
On fourth note, Good night~ I tired...

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