Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Have you ever wondered...

While you were walking somewhere, have you ever wondered if you were actually awake? While you were walking somewhere, have you ever wondered if you were actually wearing pants? When you arrived at your destination, did you ask yourself: "How the heck did I get here?"
That's how it was for me today. Today was an odd day, it was like time itself slowed down(but I know it didn't, time doesn't get faster or slower if time even moves at all). I went through my day in a daze, bumping into random folk who I couldn't care less about.

I have way too much to do, maybe that's why my brain is all fizzled like root beer. I have to do all these art assignments, I have to finish turning in all my college crap, I have to make my portfolio for these art colleges, I have to do annoying homework, and I have to get ready for prom too. And above all else, I HAVE TO WATCH ANIME! I can't go through a day without watching anime, and when I do watch anime I can't stop so all that stuff that I said I have to do just piles up.

Anime is deadly, don't become an otaku kids. It could ruin your life...or maybe not. I'm not even sure.

Blah blah blah.... Is that all I have to say? I guess. See ya, I'm gonna watch some anime and not do my homework. I'm such an idiot.

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