Friday, June 18, 2010


So my sanity and stability was questioned today but I'll get to that later. Today was a Toxic Candy party. Sounds dangerous, doesn't it? The party was supposed to start at like 3pm so we tried showing up late but it seemed like we made it there pretty early, 5pm. The party was just starting 2 hours after the start period. Nice, stupid, but it's ok. We sat around, waiting for other people to show up, talking with ourselves. <-Doesn't that sentence seem like we're crazy? We were talking with each other. Lol. Random people showed up, I hugged a couple people. And I think I have a sister now.
After everyone showed up, the games began. People were playing football, sword fighting with Styrofoam things (I told Jellybean how I read a futanari hentai doujin about these girls having serious sword fights with their penis'. lol). The sword fights the kids were having were pretty serious too though, they were doing acrobatics all over the place. People were flying through the sky and everything.
Night began to fall and the "real" games got started, like egg catching and pie eating and all that junk. It was funny. Tanique, John, JB, Mike, and me were just sitting around though talking amongst ourselves and laughing. Shayla was nowhere to be found though, so I went to look for her. She was talking with Kage and some other chic who was some guy's girlfriend. I said hi to all of them, and the chic said hi to me and asked if she knew me. I told her she could get to know me and then everyone was like "Ohhhhhh, no, Justin. Wrong person to flirt with." I was just horribly confused, I hadn't been flirting. Let me tell you, I don't even know how to flirt. I wasn't flirting, I didn't say that though, I just asked why. Then her boyfriend came over and was supposedly gonna beat me up. He told me to walk away or hop a fence or some stupid shit, and I just said ok cuz I didn't fucking feel like dealing with a stupid person. But Shayla wouldn't let me go so I couldn't walk away. The idiot asked me if I was scared, I said no. Why the fuck would I be scared of some guy? All he can do is punch me, and it's no big deal anyway. Kage punched me in my chest, I don't remember why. I guess he was just drunk, he wanted me to hit him back but my arms didn't feel like stressing themselves so I didn't. I just walked away, for some reason he thought I hated him. I get back to everyone else and we get back to talking and laughing. Out of nowhere people are screaming, and Britana(Hostest) is on the ground having a seizure. Tanique and Shayla made jokes about it WHILE she was having it, I just watched as her grandmother helped her. The ambulance came and took her away, I just watched on. "Party's Over!" Everyone left.
I got to Shayla's car and there was Idiot again and Kage. Kage told he loved me, he was definitely drunk cuz I know he doesn't. Idiot asked me if I was retarded, I had a slight urge to kill him. It was nice imagining it, but I withheld. I just glared and spat a bunch of pointless questions at him, I just wanted to leave. Fucking Idiot. He has absolutely no right to question the way my brain works, he called me slow, he said my functioning wasn't right. I will destroy you, Idiot, I will fucking destroy you.
I got in the car and we left.
Fucking Idiot...

1 comment:

  1. im sorry you had to deal with that. your going to meet a lot of people that are just dicks. gotta take it and move on, loved how you said the worst thing can can happen is get punched. 100% true.
