Wednesday, June 2, 2010

=_= ...Boring Post

So, graduation is only three days away. Yay, I'm so close to being officially gone. I hate my school, I hate most of the kids in my school.
Anyway, today was the Senior Farewell Ceremony. Ms. Donaldson, our class adviser, cried way too much. It seemed a little forced to me. The whole thing was kind of annoying. I got to school about 30 minutes early because I got a ride from my mom. Ms. Donaldson told everyone to go to the cafeteria and wait to be escorted to the auditorium. So we all waited, everyone with their friends( I was alone btw; just putting that out there). Ms. D came in and started yelling(with tears in her eyes) at kids for dressing inappropriately. Girls were wearing short shorts - pregnant girls were wearing short shorts. What the hell, right? They looked stupid - boys were in jeans and t-shirts and sneakers. I was wearing sneakers too, I didn't really know we couldn't. But I didn't look bad or anything, I was still dressed formally. After she stopped complaining, we all lined up and walked to the auditorium and into a sauna, that school seriously needs some air conditioning. The place smelled like crap. We took our seats and listened to all the speeches given. They played a slideshow of "life at milford", it was just a bunch of random pictures STOLEN from peoples' facebooks. They stole about 3 of John's pictures and they all had me in them. It was embarrassing, seeing as everyone stopped cheering when my picture came up because no one knows me. "Who's that kid?" Tch. They seriously need to ask permission before putting people's pictures up. After that ended, more speeches were given and more tears. At the end, which wasn't really the end, it just seemed like it was the end, Ms. D preached like she was in church. That part kinda made me happy, it was funny. She could totally be a Reverend in a church in one of those black neighborhoods. I would visit. At the real end of the ceremony, Ms. Reed, the assistant principle, and Mr. Gibson, the principle, gave some final words. But they don't really matter.
Then it ended, I was in a bad mood, I went home, and now I'm gonna watch anime so I can lighten my spirits. Goodbye.

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